To affirm allegiance to Canada and the Canadian Constitution (Canada Residents).
To affirm allegiance to the United States and US Constitution (US Residents).
To build bridges of understanding with various faith and non-faith groups in North America.
To organize and coordinate social, cultural, recreational, and interfaith activities to enrich members and fellow communities within and outside Canada.
Work towards establishing peace and tranquility worldwide.
To build an inter-generational understanding.
To foster future generations with our tradition and its moral values to build a better society for everyone and safeguard them from religious extremism.
To represent the common interest of the Malayalee Muslim community in North America and serve as a unified voice.
To identify and discuss the issues and challenges facing Malayalee Muslims settled in different parts of North America.
To work as a national organization for Malayalee Muslims in North America fostering understanding, mutual respect, and friendship among similar organizations and coordinate activities of common interest.
To provide an awareness platform on contemporary, civic, economic, political, social, and cultural issues affecting the lives of Malayalee Muslim communities in America, including honoring eminent personalities in North America/visiting North America.
To connect all Malayalee Muslims through social media and local groups.
To provide a platform for our children to interact and know each other, to build a strong family ecosystem.
To provide resources and moral support for newly coming /relocating /migrating Malayalee Muslims including families/students to settle in various parts of North America.
To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above purposes and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.